After embryo transfers day-by-day symptoms

Embryo transfer is necessary for every ART like IVF, ICSI, FET, & surrogacy. Different biological processes occur within the embryo & inside the uterus such as hatching out from the shell, attaching to uterine receptivity, implanting to the endometrium, developing placenta from a cell, initiating fetus development, and hCG secretion reaching the bloodstream indicating pregnancy, such facts are a positive day by day symptoms.

Successful embryo transfer doesn’t always result in pregnancy. A complication in any biological mechanism can interrupt the process which may lead to failure, miscarriages, or recurrent pregnancy. The top fertility doctors from the Fertility Cure Centre have carefully described what happens to embryos after the transfer and the day-by-day symptoms.

What are the good signs after embryo transfer?

After the embryo transfer, patients can experience various symptoms that can or may not signify a pregnancy. All of us indeed will long to hear positive pregnancy symptoms. Below, we have discussed only the good signs after the embryo transfer.

  1. Implantation bleeding:  Bleeding is one of the first good signs of pregnancy. Bleeding indicates a successful embryo implantation which means the embryo has attached to the uterine lining which signifies a guaranteed pregnancy.
  2. Spotting (negligible vaginal bleeding): If you notice spotting in your underwear or your toilet paper while using the restroom, a week after the embryo transfer then it can certainly be a good sign of pregnancy. But sometimes, spotting can be seen due to prescribed fertility medication before the embryo transferring procedure. Your Doctors can run a test and determine the spotting signification.
  3. Cramping or bloating: After 1st week or at the beginning of the 2nd week of embryo transfer, if you experience an initial period like cramps or gassy feelings (bloating), it may be a good sign of successful embryo transfer and early pregnancy. However, cramping or bloating might not always be a good sign, it could be experienced from the prescribed progesterone (looser the muscles & ligaments, and more flexible to accept a fetus), and in pelvic procedure during embryo transfer. The best way to identify this symptom is through a pregnancy test by your Doctor.
  4. Sore or painful breasts: If your breasts are swollen, tender, sore to touch, and hurt upon contact, this could be a sign of a positive embryo transfer. Some patients might experience sore or painful breasts after embryo transfer which is a good sign of early pregnancy. But you also need to understand that sore breasts and tenderness can be influenced by increased hormone medications like estrogen and oral progesterone from the IVF treatments.
  5. Tiredness or fatigue: Some women can experience tiredness or extreme tiredness (fatigue) from day 1 after embryo transfer. This is a positive symptom of pregnancy and happens due to prescribed increased progesterone. The most common cause of fatigue is heightened progesterone levels either from pregnancy or medications.  Also, if women feels more sleepy than before it could be a promising sign of a successful embryo transfer. First, notify your doctor about this symptom and clarify your mind either good or bad indication.
  6. Discharges: If Doctors have prescribed vaginal tablets progesterone, suppositories, or gel for the IVF procedure. There is an increasing chance of vaginal discharge, itching,  burning, and yeast infections, which can be unrelated to positive pregnancy tests. But different types of vaginal discharge may indicate early pregnancy as discussed below:
    •  Watery or clear discharge: A thinner watery or clear discharge can signify early pregnancy. Hormone imbalance, stress, etc can also lead to watery or clear discharge.
    • White discharge: A thin white or mild-smelling discharge commonly indicates early pregnancy. Also,  hormonal imbalances or more stress can cause white discharge.
    • Mucus and brown discharge: Mucus-like discharge is standard in the first trimester of pregnancy. The brown discharge could be an indication of implantation bleeding.

7. Frequent increased urination: If you experience a frequent increase in urination, it could be a sign of early pregnancy. One can also urinate more often before one misses a period due to an increase in pregnancy hormone hCG, and progesterone. Also, when an embryo transfer is successful, extra blood in the body leads to frequent urination. Unfortunately, increased urination can also be a symptom of a urinary tract infection. Contact your doctor for such symptoms.

8. Hot flashes, missed periods, and headaches: Due to rapid hormonal changes in the body, temperature fluctuation may occur during embryo transfer and hot flashes during pregnancy.

A missed period can mean that the embryo transfer was successful.

A headache is acceptable due to increased hormone activity in the body during IVF treatments like estrogen and progesterone. It can also be a sign of dehydration or lack of caffeine. During the embryo transfer, having headaches could mean a successful pregnancy.

Embryo Transfer Day

On average, day 3 embryo, day 5 embryo, day 6 embryo, or even day 7 embryo is transferred to the uterus for advanced fertility treatments like IVF, ICSI, and FET. Usually, which day of embryo will be used for transferring is discussed by the embryologist team & the reproductive endocrinologist based on the patient’s medical history, and developed embryo qualities. Other important factors may be considered while scheduling your transfer.

Let us discuss more “After embryo transfer day by day symptoms”.

Starting from embryo transfer to pregnancy test takes about 9 to 14 days. Below, we have discussed what symptoms take place day by day after embryo transfer.

  1. Symptoms from day 1 to day 3: Within 24 to 72 hours post embryo transfer patient may encounter mild symptoms like cramping, fatigue,  spotting or vaginal discharge, and mood swings. From day 1 to day 3, the embryo undergoes cell division, hatches out of its shell, and tries to align in the uterine lining for implantation. Such mentioned symptoms occur due to embryo implantation, irritation of the cervix after transfer, hormonal changes, stress, and anxiety from the IVF procedure. However, some patients may or may not experience such symptoms due to differences in reproductive health.
  2. Day 4 to day 6 symptoms after embryo transfer: From day 4 to day 6, the embryo continues implantation and succeeds while the placenta and fetus begin to develop. During day 6, the hCG hormone begins to be produced. During these mechanism periods, some common symptoms include cramping, breast tenderness, frequent urination, and constipation. Therefore, during day 4 and day 6 after embryo transfer, you must consult your IVF specialist to monitor such symptoms.
  3. Day 7 to day 9 symptoms after the embryo transfer: In this period, the embryo undergoes more establishment in the uterine lining, more hCG secretion in the bloodstream, and the placenta begins forming. The most common day 7 to day 9 symptoms after embryo transfer include bleeding, nausea, bloating, headaches, and sore nipples caused by implantation and hormonal changes in the body. On encountering any unusual symptoms, always consult your specialists.
  4. Day 10 to day 12 symptoms after embryo transfer: In this period, development is faster than earlier, and more production of the hormones. The following symptoms can be experienced during this period including more hunger, more thirst, mild cramping, mood swings, and fatigue due to hormone changes. Increase hormones, stretch & growth of the uterus, emotional changes, and physical demands.
  5. Day 13 to day 14 symptoms after the embryo transfer: The embryo continuously grows and develops as the body produces more hormones to support pregnancy. Common symptoms in this period include breast changes, nausea & vomiting, missed periods, and increased fatigue. At this time, a positive pregnancy test can be confirmed. However, some 5 to 10 percent of women may not experience post-transfer symptoms in the initial two weeks because their bodies will be in the physiological process post-successful embryo transfer treatment.

5-day blastocyst implantation timeline in IVF

A day 5 blastocyst or embryo implantation will form two cell types, inner cell mass (ICM) that eventually becomes a baby, and trophectoderm epithelium (TE) or outer cells which eventually become the placenta. 5-day blastocysts have higher implantation rates than younger embryos because it has almost hatched and expanded. Usually, a 5-day blastocyst implantation timeline is 1 to 5 days after the transfer, whereas other embryo implantation takes a 6 to 10 days timeline.

Frozen embryo transfer implantation timeline

A frozen embryo transfer (FET) implantation timeline is 4 days. Let us discuss the FET implantation timeline day-wise below:

  • 3rd day after FET: The blastocyst initiates deeper alignment into the uterine lining and begins implantation.
  • 4th day after FET: The implantation continues.
  • 5th day after FET: On the 5th day of frozen embryo transfer, the implantation mechanism is completely achieved. The cells eventually developed into the placenta and the fetus began to develop indicating early pregnancy.

After embryo transfer day by day

After the embryo transfer different reproductive development mechanism happens in the embryo associated with the uterus inside the female reproductive system starting from day 1 to day 9 before the pregnancy test. This mechanism is described below:

  • Day 1: The blastocyst/embryo starts hatching out of its shell.
  • Day 2: Hatching continues and starts to align itself to the uterus.
  • Day 3: The blastocyst starts implanting as the blastocyst establishes deeper into the uterine lining.
  • Day 4: Implantation continues on day 4.
  • Day 5: Implantation is successful, cells begin to form the placenta and the fetus begins to develop.
  • Day 6: The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone starts to enter the bloodstream.
  • Day 7 and day 8: Fetal development continues and hCG increases secretion in the bloodstream.
  • Day 9: Levels of hCG become sufficient in the bloodstream to to detect a pregnancy using a blood test.


In assisted reproductive procedures like IVF, ICSI, FET, and surrogacy, the selection of embryos, and deciding the day of embryo transfer is highly crucial for embryologists, endocrinologists, parents, or donors. When the best embryo is transferred and if the normal reproductive mechanism happens day by day, the pregnancy is sure to be confirmed. Cooperation from parents to experienced specialists’ recommendations will ultimately produce a pregnancy. Contact the Fertility Cure IVF clinic and receive the top fertility doctor’s free consultation today.


  1. What are the good signs after embryo transfer?

Implantation bleeding, Spotting (negligible vaginal bleeding), Cramping or bloating, Sore or painful breasts, Tiredness or fatigue, Discharge ( watery or clear, white discharge, mucus, and brown), Frequent increased urination, Hot flashes, missed periods, and headaches are the good signs after embryo transfer. It indicates early pregnancy or positive pregnancy. Such symptoms are finely described by the specialists after running a confirmation test.

  1. What are the most important days after embryo transfer?

Usually, starting from day to day 9 are considered important days after the embryo transfer. Among these, the most important days after embryo transfer are day 1 (ensures successful transfer), day 3 (implantation period), day 5 (cell development), and day 9 (pregnancy detection).

  1. What happens to a body after embryo transfer day by day?

Women may experience various pregnancy symptoms, reactions, and unusual discomfort starting day by day in the body after the embryo transfer. The body performs various reproductive and biological mechanisms that can cause common symptoms including bleeding or spotting, cramping, bloating, sore or painful breasts, fatigue, discharge, increased urination, hot flashes, headaches, and a missed period.

  1. How should I feel 3 days after embryo transfer?

You should feel positive, stress-free, healthy, and strong because the 3rd day after embryo transfer is most important as the blastocyst establishes deeper into the uterine lining and initiates implantation which is good news for early pregnancy.

  1. When will I feel pregnant after embryo transfer?

You shall feel pregnant or confirmed through a pregnancy test after two weeks of the embryo transfer. Day 9 to day 14 must be a day of excitement for the patient because a pregnancy test is run during this time and determines a successful or unsuccessful pregnancy.

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