erectile dysfunction

According to reports, the global prevalence of erectile dysfunction is between 3 and 76.5% since the condition gradually progresses and worsens with age. Commonly known as impotence, erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual health issues that men face.

While it is a sensitive topic and open discussions surrounding it have been stigmatized, it is vital that we address the situation openly, discuss the shortcomings, and prioritize early medical diagnosis and relevant treatment.

This article will explore all you need to know about Erectile Dysfunction, the causes, symptoms, and different modes of treatment.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a sexual disorder in men that’s marked by an individual’s inability to achieve and maintain an erection for a sufficient time during sexual intercourse.

While experiencing erectile dysfunction occasionally is common and nothing much to worry about, the situation sparks debates when it becomes chronic. Kindly remember that an occasional inability to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual intercourse isn’t necessarily indicative of ED.

However, when the situation becomes persistent and recurrent, it can significantly impact a man’s self-esteem, intimate relationships, and overall quality of life.

What are the Causes of Erectile Dysfunction?

To comprehensively diagnose erectile dysfunction and implement relevant treatment plans, medical professionals must understand the causes of these erection problems.

And the exciting thing is that the issue is deeply rooted in our physiological and psychological well-being. The causes can stem from either or. So, let us break them down further.

1. Physical causes

Cardiovascular complications – In most cases, erectile dysfunction happens due to poor blood circulation to the penis, which makes it difficult for a man to get and/or maintain an erection. Certain cardiovascular complications, like atherosclerosis, hypertension, high cholesterol, etc. could be the contributing factors.

Neurological disorders – The basis of an erection depends on two factors – Transmission of nerve signals to the penis and blood flow to the penis. If there is inhibition of the nerve signals due to conditions like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and spinal cord injuries, it can lead to ED.

Hormonal imbalance – Men who have low testosterone levels in the blood struggle with low libido or sex drive, which could be a potent cause behind ED.

Diabetes – Uncontrolled diabetes can contribute to risks of damage to the nerves and the blood vessels supplying the penis, leading to erectile issues.

Medications – Certain medications like anti-depressants, blood pressure medications, etc., can cause ED as a side-effect.

2. Psychological causes

Stress or anxiety – Standard stress, anxiety, or performance anxiety can make it difficult for some men to have an erection and maintain it. In most cases, it jumbles up the brain’s ability to send signals that are necessary for achieving an erection.

Depression – Men struggling with depression are more likely to have reduced sexual drive, which is another potential cause of ED.

Relationship troubles – If you don’t have a stable, compatible, and healthy relationship with your partner, that’s another reason why you could be having issues with getting an erection.

3. Lifestyle causes

Smoking – Ill habits like smoking not only destroy your physiological functioning it ultimately affects sexual functions too. Excessive smoking has been associated with poor blood circulation and damage to the blood vessels carrying blood to the penis.

Poor dietary choices – What you eat daily affects your sexual well-being. Relying on a diet that’s filled with processed and refined foods with minimal nutrients is bound to affect sexual function in the long run.

Sedentary lifestyle – Not including enough physical activity in your daily routine is another potential reason why you could be suffering from ED. Inactivity leads to obesity and other metabolic disorders, which can trigger ED.

Sleep disorders – Sleep is vital to our well-being, and it has impacts on one’s sexual functions and ability, too. Sleep apnea, which is a common sleep disorder, often contributes to fatigue and reduced libido in men.

These are the three main categories of causes that contribute to the onset of erectile dysfunction in men.

What are the Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction?

Since early diagnosis is vital for effective treatment of erectile dysfunction, identifying the symptoms of the condition is critical.

The following are a few worth paying attention to:

Difficulty achieving an erection

The most prominent symptom of ED is one’s consistent inability to achieve an erection sufficient for sexual activity. This difficulty may vary from mild to severe and can lead to performance anxiety and decreased self-esteem.

Difficulty maintaining an erection

Not only with getting an erection, but several men with ED also have a hard time maintaining an erection, meaning that they either ejaculate early or can’t maintain the erection long enough to engage in penetrative sex. Such situations can affect one’s self-esteem and even be exhausting for both partners.

Reduced libido

Several men who struggle with ED automatically develop an aversion to having sex. This stems from psychological shortcomings because they already fear they won’t be able to get or maintain an erection. This contributes to several individuals experiencing difficulty getting aroused.

Premature ejaculation

We talked briefly about this, but some men with ED often experience ejaculation problems, too, where they end up ejaculating too soon after achieving an erection.

These symptoms often have an emotional impact where men may feel embarrassed, anxious, and frustrated, leading to a negative impact on their self-esteem and overall mental well-being. It can also strain relationships with partners.

How is Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosed?

To implement tailored treatment for the patients, one must receive a comprehensive and accurate diagnosis from a medical professional. This is where our specialists at the Fertility Cure Centre (FCC) step into the picture.

Besides in-person consultations, our specialists also offer video consultations, where you can connect with one of our fertility specialists and get your concerns assessed and diagnosed from the comfort of your home. This also helps keep things discreet if that’s something you wish to prioritize.

The following are the steps involved in the diagnosis process:

Initial consultation

This is the first step towards achieving an effective erectile dysfunction cure. In this case, you’d be connected to one of our fertility specialists at FCC. You’d need to discuss the symptoms, concerns, and the help you need from the treatment.

Medical history

Depending on the symptoms and the issues, the next step is assessing the medical history. This helps the specialist understand potential root causes and prescribe relevant tests to get further an in-depth understanding of what’s wrong or what could be contributing to the disorder.

Physical examination

For an in-person consultation, a thorough physical examination is also done to check for penile abnormalities, signs of nerve damage, or circulatory issues.

Laboratory tests

Blood tests may be ordered to check for underlying conditions, such as diabetes or hormonal imbalances. In some cases, a testosterone level measurement may be necessary.

Psychological assessments

In some cases, if nothing comes out wrong with the physiological assessment, the specialists might encourage or prescribe psychological assessment to identify and address any underlying emotional or psychological issues contributing to ED.

How is Erectile Dysfunction Treated?

For a permanent cure for erectile dysfunction, it is mandatory to get a confirmed diagnosis first. Following that, the treatment of erectile dysfunction varies depending on the underlying causes and the patient’s specific needs and preferences.

The following are a few worth highlighting:

1. Making lifestyle changes

In some cases, the onset of ED could be influenced or triggered by lifestyle factors, which is why introducing healthier lifestyle shifts is vital.

Among them, diet and exercise take the first spot. Adopting a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to improving one’s physiological health, especially cardiovascular well-being, to reduce the risks of ED.

Another crucial lifestyle change is to quit ill habits like smoking or drinking alcohol. These, in the long run, have a positive impact on one’s sexual health.

Since stress is a vital trigger behind erectile dysfunction, one must implement relevant stress-relieving techniques and seek therapy as needed.

2. Medications

Several medications are available to treat ED. They work by increasing blood flow to the penis, which can help men achieve and maintain an erection.

Some of the common groups or categories of medications include:

  • Sildenafil
  • Tadalafil
  • Vardenafil
  • Avanafil

Prescription drugs should only be taken according to the recommendations of fertility specialists and medical professionals.

3. Additional treatment options

Besides these, some of the other effective treatment options for erectile dysfunction include:

Vacuum erection devices – A vacuum erection device (VED) is a non-invasive option for men with ED. It consists of a plastic tube that is placed over the penis. By creating a vacuum, blood is drawn into the penis, causing an erection. It can be paired with a penis or constriction ring to prolong the erection.

Penile injections – Intracavernosal injections involve injecting a vasodilator medication directly into the side of the penis using a fine needle, which can not only induce an erection and maintain an erection too.

Penile implants – For men who do not respond to other treatments, penile implants may be an option. It can be categorized into two types: inflatable and semi-rigid. The relevant implants are used depending on the patient’s requirements.

Treatment options for erectile dysfunction are diverse and accessible, especially with leading and renowned infertility specialists at Fertility Cure Centre.


Erectile dysfunction is one of the most common sexual concerns that significantly impacts a man’s physical and emotional well-being. The condition often impacts one’s emotional well-being and relationships, but you have to understand that medical science has advanced a lot. There is a wealth of resources and support available to help you regain confidence and overcome the complications.

Our specialists at FCC are here to help and guide you to not only overcome your challenges with erectile dysfunction but also improve your quality of life. For more details, contact us.

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